In 1832, 澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学的建立是为了向该地区的年轻女性提供以新教为基础的教育. 从那时起, 澳门威尼斯人平台官网经历了一场反映美国中西部文化的变革, 总是怀着帮助青年男女获得技能成为有用的公民的意图. The archives seek to centralize access to all university publications, 分钟, and reports relating to the university. Currently, the archives contain approximately 5,500 linear feet of records.
The primary goal of the 玛丽E. Ambler档案是一个工具,澳门威尼斯人平台官网的教师和学生将发现在机构和区域主题的研究有用. 档案馆打算在未来通过数字化使内容可访问,为密苏里人和国外的研究人员提供更多的资源.
The 机构库 of 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 is accessible through our 数字共享
Collection Development Policy
玛丽E号. Ambler档案馆位于圣查尔斯澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学校园内的学习和学术资源中心, 密苏里州.
档案馆的目标是为澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学的学生和教师提供主要资源研究的目的地. Current holdings of institutional records include unpublished documents, 书, 期刊, 报纸, 照片, 数字文件, 和艺术品. 资料馆已优先扩大其在以下方面的硬拷贝和数字资料:
- 档案材料 that supplement the Sporting 新闻 Collection and Sports history.
- Lindenwood founders, George and Mary Sibley
- Subjects related to Lindenwood history within a 75-mile radius of St. 查尔斯县,圣. Louis City and County and material from Illinois
- 密苏里州 history that informs 澳门威尼斯人平台官网’s history and/or research needs.
- The Early American Frontier
- 女子学院
玛丽E号. Ambler档案馆拥有大量的主题文件,其中包含有关澳门威尼斯人平台官网过去总统的信息, 教师, 学生, 和事件. Materials include: year书, 课程目录, 照片, 学生报纸, Lindenwood出版物, 会议记录. 档案保管员积极收集澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学校园部门的档案记录, 委员会, 和办公室.
乔治和玛丽·西布里的大部分原始文件可以在澳门威尼斯人平台官网找到. (For most of the Sibley papers not owned by the university, Lindenwood has transcripts available for research purposes.) Included among this collection is the personal library which belonged to the Sibleys.
In 2020, 澳门威尼斯人平台官网从美国城市和商业期刊获得了体育新闻收藏. Included in this archival collection are many papers of Charles Spink and J.G. 泰勒总值. This collection is currently being processed.
在档案中发现的其他亮点包括康纳尔政治纽扣收藏, 美国的个人图书馆.S. 参议员詹姆斯?. Reed, and the artwork of Louise Leak.
档案馆职员在技术服务馆员的支持下发展和维护档案馆, 和/或图书馆院长, 根据需要.
Digital records of many currently cataloged objects are available at the 玛丽E Ambler Online Collections Database.
在玛丽E. Ambler档案, 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 Theses, Dissertations and certain monographs are cataloged and discoverable in the 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 图书馆 Catalog.
2020年12月, 澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学签署了一项协议,实施一个机构存储库,以进一步实现澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学的使命和价值观,并成为数字化访问档案材料的一种手段, 教师 and student produced research and scholarship resources, 制度政策. 在大学档案管理员的监督下,最初的内容转移将于2021年4月开始.
在特殊情况下, 如果确定对教育和研究目的有用,档案馆将在核心馆藏发展政策范围之外进行收购.
While it is the Archives’ intent to house historical materials in perpetuity, its collections must be periodically and systematically evaluated. 如果条件允许,从档案中移走的任何物品将被丢弃、粉碎或捐赠.
Types of materials that could be subject to removal from the Archives:
- Materials that no longer meet the collection development criteria.
- Materials that become unstable in physical nature and pose a health risk, such as those affected by mold, 水的破坏, 害虫, or other unforeseen conditions.
Digital Preservation Policy
澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学玛丽安布勒档案馆(MAA)的数字保存政策的目标是为支持图书馆的使命和目标的数字化程序提供指导. The Archives is committed to providing access to its materials through digitization, in order to promote scholarship within the Lindenwood community and abroad.
For born-digital materials, 档案室职员致力延长电脑档案的使用寿命,防止储存媒介出现故障,并将档案移转至新的档案类型,以免档案过时.
The MAA digital preservation policy will operate within the following directives:
- 访问数字内容的管理包括致力于提供对学术和历史重要材料的数字访问, 只要有可能, to promote scholarship among the Lindenwood community and the public. Limitations may be placed on access to some content due to legal obligations, 捐赠协议, 或者其他原因. This access will be provided freely through the 数字共享@澳门威尼斯人平台官网.
- 协作档案馆致力于为大学的所有学院和部门提供数字化保存重要项目的服务. 它还将努力与澳门威尼斯人平台官网社区合作,创建鼓励奖学金和创造力的项目, 使用其数字内容. 另外, 档案馆与当地社区合作,完成与澳门威尼斯人平台官网的历史和对该地区的影响相结合的任务和倡议.
- 最佳实践: MAA将遵守社区制定的与创作相关的标准和实践, 维护, 存储, and delivery of digital objects.
- 元数据: The archives will create useful, 描述性的, 行政, 技术, 保存所有数字内容的元数据,确保发现和访问得到维护.
- 法律上的: The MAA is committed to observing intellectual property, 监管, 版权, 隐私, and ownership rights for preservation of and access to all digital content.
- 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 scholarly and creative content
- 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 theses and dissertations
- Open Educational Resources created by the Lindenwood community
- 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 publications
- 档案材料
- The Sporting 新闻 Collection
- 区域的材料
The content sources for the above categories of commitment will include:
- 物品和记录
- 图片
- Audio and visual recordings
- 数据/数据集
Strategies for Digitization
Priority for digitization will be based on the amount of expected use, need to preserve at-risk materials, and research value of the content. While all available technologies meet industry standards and best practices, items requiring care outside the purview of MAA capacity will be outsourced.
Materials for short-term use, such as materials scanned for e-reserve and interlibrary borrowing requests, 不会被保存.
This policy will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, with a review occurring no less than once every three years.
Due to the unique nature of many of the items in the archives, items do not circulate and can only be viewed during the normal hours of operation.
档案馆工作人员将对资料进行复印或扫描,费用由研究人员承担,前提是这种复制可以在不损害资料的情况下完成,并且不违反版权限制或与捐赠者达成的协议所规定的限制. We do not duplicate entire archival collections or all the text of individual 书, 手稿, 或者材料的盒子. Use of personal copiers or scanners is prohibited. The use of cameras is acceptable within the aforementioned parameters.
副本仅供研究人员个人使用,未经Lindenwood - 玛丽E的许可,不得转让给其他个人或机构. Ambler档案. Provision of copies does not constitute permission to publish.